Is Your Organization Ready for Artificial Intelligence? Take this Enterprise AI Readiness Assessment
A wide range of organizations have placed AI readiness on their strategic roadmap, with C-levels commonly listing Knowledge AI amongst their biggest priorities. Yet, many are already encountering challenges; a vast majority of AI initiatives are failing to show results, meet expectations, and provide real business value. For these organizations, setbacks typically originate from the lack of foundation on which AI Capabilities are built. Enterprise AI projects too often end up as isolated endeavors because they were not built upon the holistic base that is needed to support business practices and operations across the organization. So, how can your organization avoid these pitfalls? There are three key questions to ask when developing an enterprise AI strategy:
- Do you have clear business applications?
- Do you understand the state of your content?
- What in-house capabilities do you possess?
With our focus and expertise in knowledge, data, and information management, Enterprise Knowledge (EK) developed this proprietary Enterprise Artificial Intelligence (AI) Readiness Assessment in order to enable organizations to understand where they are and where they need to be in order to begin leveraging today’s technologies and AI capabilities for knowledge and data management.
This assessment is developed by our internal team of expert practitioners and is based on real world observations and actual client engagements conducting strategic assessments. We typically leverage this tool to successfully deliver on prototypes and pilots, design solutions, and implement enterprise scale advanced systems.

Based on our experience conducting strategic assessments as well as designing and implementing Enterprise AI solutions, we have identified four key factors, 1) Organizational Readiness, 2) State of Enterprise Data and Content, 3) Skill sets and Technical Capabilities, and 4) Change Threshold and Readiness, as the most common indicators of an organization’s ability to successfully implement Enterprise AI. This assessment gauges your organization’s current capabilities across these four factors. Your score provides the insight needed to understand how your organization can avoid common pitfalls, and effectively move towards advanced Enterprise AI that allows you to leverage the full potential of one of your organization’s most valuable assets – your knowledge.