More on OmniLearning

OmniLearning is all about bridging the gap between learning strategies, technologies, and content, to deliver the real ability for your learners to develop on their own terms.

A lot goes into delivering this holistic and flexible learning experience. It begins with EK’s expert instructional designers working with your organization to ensure a complete competency framework is in place. This will serve as your learning architecture, mapping knowledge, skills, and abilities for each key role in your organization against a consistent, yet flexible standard.

We can also help to assess, modernize, and standardize existing learning content, making it easier to find, consume, manage, and engage in an advanced learning solution.

Where learning meets technology, our in-house team of learning solutions engineers will work with your team to advise, design, and/or build a targeted learning platform that will deliver customized views of all learning assets across the organization. Picture the best search experience you’ve ever had, but focused on learning and performance content just for your organization. This will deliver findability and intuitive experience, but also highly customized and flexible learning paths that will automatically relate key concepts like competencies, roles, and goals in order to plot learning journeys for each individual within your organization.

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The Problems It Solves

With our OmniLearning Solutions, the days of equating learning solely with dry required content and dark classrooms will finally come to an end. Rather than learning feeling obligatory, it can be considered a key benefit of employment and a real opportunity to progress along a career path.

Are your employees struggling to find the “right” version of a course, or find anything at all that will help them perform and progress? Traditional learning programs are rife with outdated learning content, poor management of learning content spread throughout multiple repositories and presented in inconsistent formats, and often hidden behind unfriendly user interfaces and complex systems.

An OmniLearning Solution will modernize the way people learn while also improving the way people find learning materials, engage with experts, and even plan their own development paths.

Business Outcomes

With an OmniLearning program, your organization will be able to deliver the full range of diverse learning assets (not just training, but performance support tools, social learning, communities of practice, and access to subject matter experts, amongst others) in a way that serves the unique needs of your learners.

Better learning content management along with accompanying analytics will ensure you’re prioritizing the development of high value learning content, putting your resources where they will most help the organization and its employees.

The end result is better learning content in the right place and easily findable so that the right employees can act on it and leverage the knowledge of the organization to learn, perform, and deliver more effectively and consistently. This translates directly to increased employee satisfaction, and therefore higher employee retention. The ROI is clear: Less time and money spent replacing employees and their knowledge, and more time spent delivering high-end, consistent, and actionable learning is good for the organization, good for your employees, and good for your customers.

illustration of an omnilearning system with interconnected elements including subject matter experts, instructional videos, e learning course, and communities of practice, checklists.

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