EK Teaching Upcoming Agile & Design Thinking Certification for KMI

The next offering of the two-day Certified Knowledge Specialist (CKS) course in Agile and Design Thinking will be hosted virtually on March 1st and 2nd, 2022. The full course overview and registration information can be found through the KMI event page.

The two-day certification course is a staple in KMI’s Certified Knowledge Specialist (CKS) offerings. The course provides a background on key concepts including Agile, Design Thinking, Change Management, and User-Centered Communications strategies, detailing how elements of each may be harnessed to address common challenges in KM efforts. The course will be highly interactive, involving participants in a series of facilitated exercises, including EK’s complete Design Thinking for KM workshop approach.

Mary Little, EK’s Knowledge Management Division Director, will serve as the lead instructor for the course. Little is a KM Expert, experienced facilitator, and frequent speaker on KM, Design Thinking, and Agile approaches. She is a Certified Project Management Professional and Certified Scrum Product Owner. Little focuses on applying agile and design-thinking principles to user-centric solutions, determined to create actual, positive change in the way people engage in the work they do. 

When asked about the course, Zach Wahl, CEO of Enterprise Knowledge, said, “This certification course is a perfect application for how we approach KM. It will teach attendees how we put the end user at the center of the KM strategy and design effort, and leverage an assortment of facilitation techniques to engage them in every step of the process.”

Additional information and registration may be found at the following link: https://www.kminstitute.org/content/cks-agile-and-design-thinking



About Enterprise Knowledge

Enterprise Knowledge (EK) is a services firm that integrates Knowledge Management, Information Management, Information Technology, and Agile Approaches to deliver comprehensive solutions. Our mission is to form true partnerships with our clients, listening and collaborating to create tailored, practical, and results-oriented solutions that enable them to thrive and adapt to changing needs. 

About the International Knowledge Management Institute

Based in Washington DC, The KM Institute is the global leader in Knowledge Management Certification/Training, with many thousands certified since 2001 and classes delivered in up 15 countries annually. KMI trains and certifies KM Team Members in the methods and tools that enable individuals and organizations to transform (and substantially improve) human performance in the Knowledge Age.