EK’s Hilger Guest on Upcoming Content Wrangler Webinar

EK’s COO, Joe Hilger, will be a guest on an upcoming episode of ‘The Content Wrangler,’ titled “Knowledge Graphs and the Customer Journey.” In this episode of “From the Top,” Hilger will be joined by other experts to discuss the business capabilities possible when organizations harness the power of knowledge graphs and customer journey maps. The other guests will be Juan Sequeda, Principal Scientist at data.world, and Andreas Blumauer, Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Semantic Web Company. The session will take place on November 10th at 11am EST.

The discussion will be hosted by Scott Abel, Founder and CEO, known affectionately as “The Content Wrangler.” Abel is an internationally recognized intelligent content strategist and cognitive computing evangelist who specializes in helping organizations deliver the right content to the right audience, anywhere, anytime, on any device. He is the co-author of Intelligent Content: A Primer and The Language of Content Strategy (XML Press). He co-produces Information Development World Conferences, produces a popular series of content strategy books, and is the host of the San Francisco Content Strategy Content Marketing Professionals Meetup. 

During the discussion, participants will discover how knowledge graphs can help you deliver the right product content to the right consumers at the right time, in the desired format and language. Learn more and sign up here