More on Enterprise AI

Virtually every organization is prioritizing Artificial Intelligence to give them a competitive advantage and implement automated decision making and processes for greater productivity and intelligence. Many organizations have tried and failed to achieve AI because they didn’t consider the actual business priorities in their planning, didn’t design the appropriate logic and relationships, or didn’t adequately prepare and integrate their information.

We coined the term Enterprise AI to express a complete view of knowledge, information, and data intelligence working within organizations through the entire process of planning, design, implementation, and iterative enhancement.

An Enterprise AI initiative will leverage ontology design and knowledge graphs to build a connected network of relationships between your organization’s key assets. That flexible foundation will enable a myriad of use cases, including intelligent chatbots, smart search, recommendation engines, automated content assembly, and more. Consider Enterprise AI the key to harnessing your organization’s knowledge in the way you always strived for but were never able to achieve.

The Problems It Solves

Enterprise AI connects your organization’s knowledge, information, and data assets in a way that makes them actionable and contextualized. This solves a number of the “big knowledge” issues many organizations face, namely poor findability and discoverability that leads to wasted time and redundant work, artificial information silos that impede collaboration and efficiency, and duplicate and near-duplicate content across the enterprise that leads to information distrust and chaos. 

In short, name an issue that exists within or between your assorted information assets, and Enterprise AI is likely to help address it. Is lack of domain knowledge and business context hampering your AI efforts? Are monolithic and legacy platforms slowing down innovation? Does your organization have highly interrelated data but is struggling to find, unify or analyze data from multiple sources? Enterprise AI is about addressing these complex organizational challenges. 

Point solutions with Enterprise AI might include:

  • Advancing your enterprise search capabilities to understand your business language and return relevant answers (not a running list of links or documents),
  • Augmenting your information governance capabilities with automation to handle the high volume of data and content creation or ingestion, and
  • Creating a flexible data model that is based on standards and powers diverse analytics and applications of the future.

Business Outcomes

Enterprise AI will connect your information assets with context and business intelligence, creating a web of knowledge that is reliable, intuitive, and most importantly, actionable. 

With an iterative approach, we will help your organization achieve Enterprise AI on your timeframe and level of effort, growing from quick wins and pilots to an organization-wide framework that addresses your biggest information challenges.

Though each Enterprise AI initiative is unique, some of the most common outcomes we’ve helped our clients achieve are:

  • Increased revenue and enhanced competitive edge by connecting institutional knowledge with data to make connections between siloed content, allowing organizations to make better use of the vast amount of information and data they have. 
  • Minimized internal processing cycles and improved customer engagement rates by ensuring teams consistently deliver a coherent brand identity, instill confidence and integrity, and reduce reputational risk. 
  • Delivered  faster employee onboarding and proficiency by providing the ability to learn at the point of need and increasing access to expertise from across the enterprise. 
  • Augmented information governance initiatives with automation to increase the speed of creation, ingestion, and curation of content, creating opportunities to minimize human error and freeing up staff’s time to focus on higher value activities. 
  • Drove innovation by facilitating connections and collaboration among team members through the ability to access information across the enterprise and find experts, resulting in increased exposure to new ideas, driving innovation, creativity, and company performance.

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