JPL’s Institutional Knowledge Graph II: A Foundation for Constructing Enterprise and Domain-Specific Semantic Data Sets

Previously at KMWorld 2021, EK joined JPL to share the vision, approach, and delivery of the Institutional Knowledge Graph (IKG), a centrally maintained, ever-evolving knowledge graph identifying and describing JPL’s enterprise-wide concepts, such as people, organizations, projects, and facilities, and the relationships between them. Since August 2020, the IKG has offered a single source of enterprise information that other JPL applications can leverage to reduce redundancy and out-of-date or inaccurate data. In production for 2 years and now with several releases under its belt, the IKG is beginning to fulfill its promise as a foundational layer in the semantic pyramid for additional taxonomies and knowledge graphs to build upon.

At KM World 2022, Bess Schrader, Senior Solutions Consultant at EK, and Ann Bernath, Software Systems Engineer at JPL, shared a follow-up to the IKG journey including a description of the Enterprise Semantic Platform, a look at new taxonomies and knowledge graphs at JPL (enterprise-wide, others specific to engineering, technical, or science domains) and how they are beginning to leverage the IKG’s foundation of JPL concepts to enrich their dataset into a broader context. This presentation discussed different techniques to federate or synchronize multiple knowledge graphs and how these diverse integrations benefit not only the new datasets, but also the IKG as it continues to pursue its overarching dream–providing answers to questions such as, “Who did what when?”, “Who should you call?”, and “Where is the Robotics Lab?”

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Bess Schrader Bess Schrader Bess Schrader is a knowledge management consultant specializing in semantic technologies and integrations. She is particularly interested in using taxonomies, ontologies, and knowledge graphs to build semantic solutions that help organizations solve complex information challenges. More from Bess Schrader »