Welcome to Enterprise Knowledge’s Knowledge Management (KM) Maturity Benchmark Self-Assessment!
At Enterprise Knowledge (EK), we are experienced in assessing the knowledge management (KM) maturity of organizations, helping them identify obstacles in the way of their strategic objectives and designing tailored actions to connect their people to the knowledge and information they need to do their jobs effectively.
The link below will take you to our KM Maturity Benchmark Self-Assessment, which represents an abbreviated version of our comprehensive KM Strategy and Assessment service offering. Our Self-Assessment uses a version of EK’s proprietary KM Benchmark, which is the result of decades of observation and analysis of real organizations from all over the world, ranging from local to global, small to large, and spanning hundreds of industries and business model types.
The KM Maturity Benchmark Self-Assessment is designed to be completed by individuals with a basic understanding of KM topics and a holistic understanding of the processes and the sharing of knowledge within their organization. Answer the questions within this assessment with what you have observed to be true within your own organization.
EK has abbreviated its full KM Benchmark by focusing on the factors that, in our experience, are most important to our clients as well as those that tend to be the areas where our clients need the most help. This self-assessment will give you insight into ways to strengthen KM efforts within your organization to achieve the most impact.

Once your self-assessment is complete, EK will provide you with your KM maturity scores as they relate to our five KM dimensions of People, Process, Content, Culture, and Technology. Upon completing the survey, you will receive a customized report detailing your numerical scores as well as detailed analysis that will help you to understand the dimension, why your score matters, and how to best improve. This report will serve as a first step for any organization to begin understanding where they are, where they can be, and the business value of attaining a more mature KM future state.