Applied Design Thinking

applied design thinking for kmRegardless of whether you’re building an organization-wide intranet or designing a strategy to mature knowledge management within your organization, these efforts will succeed or fail based on how you engage your end users. Too often, KM efforts suffer from not involving end users early, frequently or consistently, or from a lack of buy-in and adoption due to solutions that are barely contextualized to what an end user wants or needs. EK’s Applied Design Thinking offerings leverage the best of Design Thinking to empower you to proactively engage your end users and gather the support you need to collaborate and build solutions with your users, instead of for them.

EK leverages Design Thinking for KM via an array of formats, ranging from an introductory workshop for your key stakeholders to get started in designing your KM strategy, to a project-long engagement to design a user-centric taxonomy. Regardless of what offering your organization leverages, the outcomes you receive will be tangible, practical, and tailored to your unique needs.

EK’s Design Thinking for KM offerings include:

1-Day Design Thinking for KM Workshop

Put users at the center of your KM strategy with EK’s Design Thinking for Knowledge Management Workshop. Over the course of a day, you and your team of stakeholders will be brought together to understand your end users, define and prioritize KM solutions, and translate those into immediate actions to mature knowledge management within your organization.

5-Day Design Thinking Sprint

For the complete array of KM initiatives, EK consultants will help facilitate a strong, user-centered start or the strategic reset you need to move forward. Over the course of five business days, EK consultants will guide your team through a highly customized design sprint, where you and your team will answer questions, and design, prototype, and test ideas with end users by:

  • Confirming your end users and identifying the challenge on Day 1;
  • Determining the scope of the challenge to focus team efforts on Day 2;
  • Brainstorming potential ideas to solve for the defined scope on Day 3;
  • Building prototypes to demonstrate ideas tangibly on Day 4; and
  • Testing these prototypes with end users on Day 5.

End-to-End Integrated Engagment

Across all of our effort, EK consultants will leverage a Design Thinking approach, embedded into the context of your specific KM project and timeline. We will identify where your greatest needs are, and deliver practical, valuable activities designed to help you better gather and leverage user insights. These activities may include a mix of KM user interviews, focus groups, and design workshops, along with observations and immersions, coupled with ongoing scoping and prioritizing to ensure you and your team stay on track.

Contact us to find out what offering is best for your organization at

EK Team EK Team A services firm that integrates Knowledge Management, Information Management, Information Technology, and Agile Approaches to deliver comprehensive solutions. Our mission is to form true partnerships with our clients, listening and collaborating to create tailored, practical, and results-oriented solutions that enable them to thrive and adapt to changing needs. More from EK Team »