Top 5 EK Blogs of 2021

This year, EK employees published over sixty new pieces of thought leadership covering topics that range from taxonomy design to integrated change management to AI. Below are the top five most viewed blogs and white papers written by EK employees in 2021.

1. Understanding the Business Value of Headless CMS

A headless content management system brings business value to an organization by allowing authors to reuse and re-contextualize content for multiple audiences, platforms, and purposes. In this blog, Rebecca Wyatt describes how to create compelling content through audience segmentation and how contextualizing content will increase the efficiency and accuracy of content updates.

2. Knowledge Management Trends in 2021

In the aftermath of the pandemic, KM has become even more widely recognized as a central need in organizations looking to increase business value, improve productivity, and upskill and retain their team members. In this blog, Zach Wahl explores the seven major KM trends that he identified for 2021.

3. Five Steps to Implement Search with a Knowledge Graph

Knowledge graphs support advanced search use cases by answering users’ questions and surfacing results in a contextualized interface. In this blog, James Midkiff explains the five steps EK recommends to expand an organization’s search to leverage the capabilities of existing knowledge graphs.

4. How Do I Update and Scale My Knowledge Graph?

When designed and implemented following EK’s methodology, a knowledge graph enables flexible and scalable aggregation of content from multiple sources to enable contextualized knowledge discovery. In this blog, Lulit Tesfaye describes the five areas that an organization must consider when building and implementing an enterprise knowledge graph.

5. Developing a Business Case for Knowledge Management

Organizations often struggle to quantify the business value of KM and often fail to explain the long-term benefits of KM to someone who is not familiar with it. In this blog, Mary Little details the seven important steps that will help convince executives and leadership that KM is a critical element to organizational success and worthy of investment.

How many of these blogs did you read, and which ones were your favorites this year? Let us know what topics you would like us to cover in 2022 by contacting us through Twitter or

EK Team EK Team A services firm that integrates Knowledge Management, Information Management, Information Technology, and Agile Approaches to deliver comprehensive solutions. Our mission is to form true partnerships with our clients, listening and collaborating to create tailored, practical, and results-oriented solutions that enable them to thrive and adapt to changing needs. More from EK Team »