Design Thinking and Taxonomy Design

In my experience I’ve found that any successful taxonomy design effort stems from a strong understanding of the end users’ needs – hardly a small task. One way that I’ve worked to address this challenge is by incorporating Design Thinking … Continue reading

Meetup: Knowledge Management Association (KMA) DC: April 2017

Enterprise Knowledge is hosting the Knowledge Management Assocation (KMA) MeetUp. Join the group and RSVP by visiting the KMA MeetUp event page. This MeetUp will feature Victor Jimenez, an experienced leader and KM practitioner with over 15 years of combined professional … Continue reading

Semantic Web Starter Kit

More and more organizations are taking advantage of semantic technologies to improve the way they manage both structured and unstructured content. Semantic tools like ontologies and graph databases allow organizations to: Manage content more effectively; Maximize findability and discoverability of … Continue reading

Knowledge Management of Structured and Unstructured Information

Our KM Consultants help organizations improve the way they capture, share, and reuse information. Many KM projects focus on managing unstructured information like documents, emails, and web pages. While this type of unstructured information is critical, it is not the … Continue reading

What is an Ontology and Why Do I Want One?

Ontologies and semantic technologies are becoming popular again. They were a hot topic in the early 2000s, but the tools needed to implement these concepts were not yet sufficiently mature. Ontology and semantic technologies have now matured to the point … Continue reading

Ontology Design Best Practices – Part II

This is the second in a two part blog series, sharing our best practices collected through our efforts in ontology consulting. The first part of the series described 5 key recommendations for any new ontology project. These recommendations need to … Continue reading