What is Information Scent, and How do I Design for It?

Information Foraging When developing search for a website or intranet, getting to know your end-users and their behavioral tendencies is critical in order to improve the relevancy of search results. Being able to predict how users interact with the site … Continue reading

Common Taxonomy Design Mistakes, Part I: Failing to Include Your End Users

The necessity of a business taxonomy has become increasingly apparent as organizations across the globe have shifted to working from home and, consequently, have an increased need for their employees to be able to quickly and independently find and discover … Continue reading

Personas to Products: Writing Persona-Driven Epics and User Stories

Personas encompass the needs, motives, values, expectations, and goals of a user and help us develop user-centered products and solutions. This is particularly important when integrating knowledge management throughout our business; an approach where we are constantly involving business users … Continue reading

Who Are Your Users?

When we’re helping organizations with their knowledge management strategy, we always begin with an assessment of the Current State to identify their unique KM challenges and opportunities, mapping what’s working and what has the potential for improvement. A significant portion … Continue reading