Content related to Common Taxonomy Design Mistakes, Part I: Failing to Include Your End Users
Business Taxonomies for Talent Management & Strategy
A set of well-designed business taxonomies can connect the most qualified people to the best-suited opportunities throughout an organization’s talent management lifecycle. When employees feel a sense of challenge and accomplishment in their current role and in anticipation of future … Continue reading
Validation Techniques to Enhance Usability
In this recent presentation from Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017, part of KMWorld, EK consultants Ben White and Tatiana Cakici discuss various validation techniques to ensure usability of taxonomy designs.
Fixing Enterprise Search, Part 2 of 2
In the final part of his two-part series on fixing enterprise search, Joe Hilger discusses the concept of action-oriented search, why it’s important, and how changing your mindset from one of “using search to find” to one of “using search … Continue reading
Fixing Enterprise Search, Part 1 of 2
In the first part of his two-part series on fixing enterprise search, Joe Hilger discusses some common misconceptions around “fixing” search for organizations. He describes the importance of looking beyond search engine tools to truly understand an organization’s search requirements and … Continue reading
4 Steps to Content Auto-Classification with High Accuracy
As technologies evolve, we have seen the rise of auto-tagging, auto-classification, and auto-categorization tools that attempt to take over the task for describing the content we create. These tools apply metadata tags automatically so we don’t have to. Yet, in … Continue reading
Knowledge Organization Systems: When to Scale Up
The Findability Problem Here at Enterprise Knowledge (EK) we design systems which optimize the findability and discoverability of your knowledge and information. There are a lot of different forms this takes including: Designing a portal which allows a diverse workforce … Continue reading
Faceting is Sweet
In my nearly twenty years of taxonomy design consulting, one of the greatest challenges has been explaining the value of taxonomy to non-taxonomists. This is a particular passion of mine, and one in which Enterprise Knowledge has invested a great … Continue reading
Knowledge Organization Systems Defined
Here at Enterprise Knowledge (EK), we design systems which allow your employees and your customers to actually find the information they’re searching for. Do your employees need to find the subject matter expert in your organization who has the perfect … Continue reading
The Next Level of Integrated Enterprise Knowledge: PoolParty 6.0
A couple of weeks ago, Semantic Web Company (SWC) released a new version, 6.0, of their already extensive PoolParty Semantic Suite with some exciting new additions. Why does this matter? The PoolParty Semantic Suite is further solidifying its spot at … Continue reading
Meetup: Knowledge Management Association (KMA) D.C. (June 2017)
At the Feb 2016 KMA meetup, Michael Lennon led an exploration of how the Science of Happiness was impacting both KM and Organizational Performance. The session began with the question “Is KM dead or alive?” In this meetup, Mr. Lennon … Continue reading