
Content related to RACI+F: An Agile Tool for Taxonomy Maintenance

Building an Agile KM Roadmap

Knowledge Management (KM) is fundamental to the effectiveness and success of every organization. A strategic roadmap to maturing an organization’s KM capabilities is what sets apart organizations that leverage their collective knowledge from their competitors who don’t have a handle … Continue reading

The Value of Taxonomy: Why Taxonomy (Still) Matters

After decades of taxonomy design consulting, I’m still amazed that some organizations doubt the value of effective enterprise taxonomy design. Though knowledge and information management technologies, as well as associated search technologies have changed, the core business value and use … Continue reading

Developing Good KM Habits to Make KM Stick

Clients often ask me how to make Knowledge Management (KM) a seamless part of their workforce’s day-to-day operations. They want to know how to shift people’s perceptions from KM as “another thing I have to do in addition to my … Continue reading

Complement Your Change Management Efforts with Gamification

Despite being a relatively new concept in the KM field, gamification is already an overused term that gets thrown around in virtually any initiative. Defined as an organization’s use of design and insights from video games to increase participant engagement … Continue reading