KM Fast Track to Search-Focused AI Solutions

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the ability to quickly locate and connect critical information is key to organizational success. As organizations struggle with ever-expanding datasets and information silos, the need for effective search-focused artificial intelligence (AI) solutions becomes vital. … Continue reading

Employee 360 Views: Common Use Cases

In an earlier blog, I discussed what Employee 360 Views are and which possible sources of information can feed them. In this blog, I describe why Employee 360 Views are important from various end users’ perspectives, what employee information they … Continue reading

Employee 360 Views: What are they?

Leaders from every organization need accurate and up-to-date information about their employees to support key corporate decisions, enhance business profitability, and remain competitive in today’s world. One of the best ways to better understand your employees is through an Employee … Continue reading

5 Reasons Why Mergers and Acquisitions Need KM

Many factors can impact the success of a merger and acquisition (M&A) transaction including economic uncertainty, proper target identification, accurately valuating a target, a stable regulatory and legislative environment, and a sound due diligence process. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, … Continue reading

Project Cortex: At the Intersection of Microsoft 365 and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Almost every major technology company around the globe is dedicating resources to develop some form of Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities to help organizations accelerate access to critical information, support faster decision making, optimize customer support processes, recommend content, and help … Continue reading