
Content related to Generative AI for Taxonomy Creation

Ontology Design Best Practices – Part I

EK provides extensive Ontology Design services for our customers. Much of what we know comes from lessons learned on a wide variety of projects. Over time we’ve developed a library of best practices regarding what to do and what not … Continue reading

Making Workshops Work

In my years of Knowledge Management Consulting, one of the most critical tools in my utility belt has been the workshop. We often leverage a workshop concept as one of the initial engagements we have with a new client. I … Continue reading

Agile Taxonomy Maintenance

Taxonomy management typically follows a Library and Information Science paradigm. The taxonomist is a keeper of knowledge, who is responsible for updating and managing the “Source of Truth.” Each version of the taxonomy is published and subsequently distributed to separate … Continue reading

Website Design Best Practices

Over the last six months, Enterprise Knowledge (EK) has been in the midst of taking the best of what we know and applying it to our own website. Though we’ve helped an array of Federal Agencies, Fortune 500 Companies, and … Continue reading

The 4 Steps to Designing an Effective Taxonomy: Step #4 Measure the Findability of Your Content

Taxonomy is not as daunting as it seems. In this blog series, one of EK’s taxonomy experts, Ben White, provides 4 practical steps to designing and validating a user-centric taxonomy. Step #4: Measure the Findability of Your Content Search, which … Continue reading