
Content related to Industry Panel: Different Applications of a Semantic Layer — Takeaways Blog

Content Personalization with Knowledge Graphs in Python

In a recent blog post, my colleague Joe Hilger described how a knowledge graph can be used in conjunction with a componentized content management system (CCMS) to provide personalized content to customers. This post will show the example data from … Continue reading

Improving Product Documentation With a CCMS and a Knowledge Graph

The Challenge A financial solutions provider wanted to improve and personalize customer interaction with support and technical documentation as well as streamline the content authoring process to ensure consistent messaging and avoid duplicated information. Before the EK team’s involvement, technical … Continue reading

Expert Analysis: Does My Organization Need a Graph Database?

As EK works with our clients to integrate knowledge graphs into their technical ecosystems, client stakeholders often ask, “Why should we leverage knowledge graphs?” and more specifically, “Do we need a graph database?” Our consultants then collaborate with stakeholders to … Continue reading

Data Management Trends in 2022: Data Fabric v. Data Mesh v. DataOps? What is Right for Your Organization?

When we start most of our engagements with our clients, there are common and important challenges we’re typically presented with that help summarize the core needs that persist within the data management space today:  We don’t know what data we … Continue reading

Employee 360 Views: Common Use Cases

In an earlier blog, I discussed what Employee 360 Views are and which possible sources of information can feed them. In this blog, I describe why Employee 360 Views are important from various end users’ perspectives, what employee information they … Continue reading

Employee 360 Views: What are they?

Leaders from every organization need accurate and up-to-date information about their employees to support key corporate decisions, enhance business profitability, and remain competitive in today’s world. One of the best ways to better understand your employees is through an Employee … Continue reading

Integrated Change Management Plan for Top Telecommunications Company

The Challenge Their Challenge: One of the top telecommunication companies in the world is pursuing an ambitious corporate strategy that entails a digital transformation of its entire operations, expanding its service offerings, and exploiting new business opportunities to become a … Continue reading

360-view of a Consumer: Deduplicating and Constructing Consumer Data using an Identity Graph

The Challenge For the last 30 years, a large global digital marketing and technology firm has been collecting consumer data on adults in the United States from hundreds of primary sources to build consumer marketing databases. Because data comes from … Continue reading

Using Wireframes to Define and Visualize Enterprise Knowledge Graphs

As a complement to our enterprise search engagements with clients, we often end up exploring how the implementation of a knowledge graph can establish the foundation for more advanced KM and data efforts, such as smart search or AI capabilities … Continue reading