What is the Roadmap to Enterprise AI?
Artificial Intelligence technologies allow organizations to streamline processes, optimize logistics, drive engagement, and enhance predictability as the organizations themselves become more agile, experimental, and adaptable. To demystify the process of incorporating AI capabilities into your own enterprise, we broke it … Continue reading
Joe Hilger Chairing SEMANTiCs US Conference
Enterprise Knowledge is pleased to announce that COO, Joe Hilger, will be chairing SEMANTiCs US. For 15 years, the SEMANTiCS conference has served as the leading European conference on Semantic Technologies and AI. Researchers, industry experts, and business leaders have … Continue reading
Why a Knowledge Graph is the Best Way to Upgrade Your Taxonomy
Many organizations begin their journey in semantic solutions with a taxonomy. Taxonomies are simple information models that help organizations describe and structure their information in a hierarchy. They are effective for organizing content and data, but do not capture all … Continue reading
Four Key Components of Enterprise Knowledge Graphs
Enterprise knowledge graphs are an incredibly valuable tool for relating your structured and unstructured information, allowing you to easily obtain actionable insights from large amounts of information across your enterprise. An enterprise knowledge graph is also an important foundation for … Continue reading
How to Build a Knowledge Graph in Four Steps: The Roadmap From Metadata to AI
The scale and speed at which data and information are being generated today makes it challenging for organizations to effectively capture valuable insights from massive amounts of information and diverse sources. We rely on Google, Amazon, Alexa, and other chatbots … Continue reading
Using Knowledge Graph Data Models to Solve Real Business Problems
A successful business today must possess the capacity to quickly glean valuable insights from massive amounts of data and information coming from diverse sources. The scale and speed at which companies are generating data and information, however, often makes this … Continue reading
Increase the Re-Use of Knowledge Assets with Semantic Hubs
In my last blog, I discussed how knowledge graphs aggregate information from multiple systems to enable powerful search and discovery tools. A semantic hub (or semantic middleware) is a metadata-enhanced bridge that connects a knowledge graph to user-facing applications, helping … Continue reading
The Roadmap to Open, Accessible, and Machine-Readable Data
In January, the federal government passed a new law to improve data management at federal agencies, H.R. 4174, the “Foundations for Evidence-based Policymaking Act of 2018”. The law includes the Open, Public, Electronic, and Necessary Government Data Act, or the … Continue reading
Knowledge Graphs for Data Governance
The explosion of data and data scientists is making data governance more important, and more difficult. Most large organizations have thousands of data files and a wide range of users working with those files. The size and complexity of these … Continue reading
Graph Search at the Super Bowl
If you are like me, and not a Patriots fan, the best part of the Super Bowl was the commercials. One commercial, in particular, caught my eye. Do you remember the Google Job Search for Veterans commercial (see the youtube … Continue reading