Blog Archives

Webinar: Laying KM Foundations for Successful and Transformative AI

Presented by EK’s Zach Wahl and Joe Hilger, this webinar discusses how AI can harness the full spectrum of your organization’s knowledge so that information can be efficiently found, used, and reused. In the webinar participants learned: • Why Knowledge … Continue reading

Increase the Re-Use of Knowledge Assets with Semantic Hubs

In my last blog, I discussed how knowledge graphs aggregate information from multiple systems to enable powerful search and discovery tools. A semantic hub (or semantic middleware) is a metadata-enhanced bridge that connects a knowledge graph to user-facing applications, helping … Continue reading

Optimizing Your Search Experience: A Human-Centered Approach to Search Design

Designing a search solution requires an understanding of how people think, what they want, and how they go about getting what they want. You can implement the most technically sophisticated search tool for your organization, but if you’re not configuring … Continue reading