
Content related to Breaking it down: What is a Knowledge Portal?

How to Prepare Content for AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables organizations to leverage and manage their content in exciting new ways, from chatbots and content summarization to auto-tagging and personalization. Most organizations have a copious amount of content and are looking to use AI to improve … Continue reading

Measuring the Value of your Semantic Layer: KPIs for Taxonomies, Ontologies, and Knowledge Graphs

Utilizing semantic applications in your business, such as an enterprise taxonomy, ontology, or knowledge graph, can increase efficiency, reduce cognitive load, and improve cohesion across the enterprise, among other benefits. While these benefits are extremely valuable they can be difficult … Continue reading

A Structured Content Model and Multi-Channel Publishing for Rapid Content Distribution

The Challenge EK partnered with the office of a large government agency whose primary mission required them to rapidly distribute real-time updates about current events to government executives and their staff. At the same time, they needed the ability to … Continue reading

Expert Analysis: Top 5 Considerations When Building a Modern Knowledge Portal

Knowledge Portals aggregate and present various types of content – including unstructured content, structured data, and connections to people and enterprise resources. This facilitates the creation of new knowledge and discovery of existing information. The following article highlights five key … Continue reading

Top Knowledge Management Trends – 2024

For the last several years, I’ve written this article on the Top Knowledge Management Trends of the year. As CEO of the world’s largest Knowledge Management consulting company, I’m lucky to get to witness these trends forming each year. As … Continue reading

Five Tips for Improving Lessons Learned in Project-Based Organizations

The mechanics of completing lessons learned efforts can be deceivingly simple: You get people in a room (physically or otherwise) and discuss opportunities for improvement based on what they experienced during a project. However, many teams and organizations experience difficulty … Continue reading