Presentation: Demystifying Knowledge Management through Storytelling

The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) invited Taylor Paschal, Knowledge & Information Management Consultant at Enterprise Knowledge, to speak at a Knowledge Management Lunch and Learn hosted on June 12, 2024. All Office of Administration staff were invited to attend … Continue reading

4 Reasons Why Knowledge Transfer Should Always Be A Priority

Knowledge Management (KM) involves the people, processes, content, culture, and enabling technologies necessary to capture, manage, share, and find information. Knowledge transfer is one of many methods within the KM domain that aims to increase the quality of information flow … Continue reading

Technology Solution Recommendation for a Global Development Firm

The Challenge A global development firm with thousands of employees and projects across the world was struggling with their content management strategy. Specifically, they were dealing with inefficient processes and outdated technology. This resulted in wasted time and frustration from … Continue reading

Training and Organizational Design for a Federal Agency

The Challenge A US federal agency with a wide array of geographic distribution and responsibilities sought to better distribute learning events and resources to diverse professionals spread all over the United States. With a workforce of over 20,000 and millions … Continue reading

Knowledge Capture and Transfer Series – Part 3: Capturing Explicit Knowledge

Even though explicit knowledge refers to knowledge that has already been captured and documented somewhere in the organization, this doesn’t mean that all organizations capture their explicit knowledge in locations or formats that are easy to use. Indeed, a lot … Continue reading

Knowledge Capture and Transfer Series – Part 2: Capturing Tacit Knowledge

Organizations often lack a disciplined way to leverage the learnings and experience that their staff have acquired throughout their tenure and past experiences, and they only pay attention to this issue once it becomes too big to ignore. Examples of … Continue reading

Knowledge Capture and Transfer Series – Part 1: Getting Knowledge Capture and Transfer Right

Organizations are constantly generating new knowledge and enhancing existing knowledge in pursuit of their objectives. However, much critical knowledge is never captured. It remains inside people’s heads, isolated and undiscoverable. This leads organizations to suffer from a type of corporate … Continue reading

Crafting an Effective KM Elevator Pitch

Professionals trying to garner support for a Knowledge Management (KM) initiative within their team and/or organization are often asked by well-meaning colleagues and executives: “so what exactly is knowledge management?” For all professionals seeking to make KM a priority within … Continue reading

Top Five Tips for A Successful Knowledge Transfer in Times of Chaos, Crisis, or Rapid Change

All too often, organizations do not recognize the need and value of knowledge management efforts until a knowledge-related crisis occurs. Perhaps a top-level executive has chosen to leave the organization and has not documented the knowledge and experiences that they … Continue reading