Presentation: Demystifying Knowledge Management through Storytelling

The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) invited Taylor Paschal, Knowledge & Information Management Consultant at Enterprise Knowledge, to speak at a Knowledge Management Lunch and Learn hosted on June 12, 2024. All Office of Administration staff were invited to attend … Continue reading

Knowledge Management Trends in 2023

As CEO of the world’s largest Knowledge Management consulting company, I am fortunate to possess a unique view of KM trends. For each of the last several years, I’ve written an annual list of these KM trends, and looking back, … Continue reading

Crafting an Effective KM Elevator Pitch

Professionals trying to garner support for a Knowledge Management (KM) initiative within their team and/or organization are often asked by well-meaning colleagues and executives: “so what exactly is knowledge management?” For all professionals seeking to make KM a priority within … Continue reading

Developing a Business Case for Knowledge Management

Whenever I describe Knowledge Management (KM) to someone who may not be familiar with it, I often get a response of surprise due to their lack of awareness of something so fundamental and necessary for any organization to be effective. … Continue reading

Knowledge Management Trends in 2021

The last year has been a big one for Knowledge Management. Technology is advancing rapidly, introducing capabilities around knowledge graphs, ontologies, and enterprise artificial intelligence that seemed like distant possibilities just a few years ago. The pandemic, meanwhile, forced every … Continue reading

Top Five Tips for A Successful Knowledge Transfer in Times of Chaos, Crisis, or Rapid Change

All too often, organizations do not recognize the need and value of knowledge management efforts until a knowledge-related crisis occurs. Perhaps a top-level executive has chosen to leave the organization and has not documented the knowledge and experiences that they … Continue reading

The Importance of Content Governance, Part I: Enhancing Content Governance By Involving the Right People

Content Governance is more than just rule-making. It is about coordinating efforts, creating opportunities, being responsive to the surroundings, acting decisively, and moving your team towards a common objective. When we talk about Governance this way, it sounds a lot … Continue reading

The Importance of Content Governance, An Introduction

A great content strategy will deliver great content, or as our Principal, Zach Wahl, would call it, “NERDy content.” However, even the best content requires the proper level of care and attention in order to remain great. Governance provides support … Continue reading