
Content related to EK’s Tesfaye and Hedden to Speak at the Henry Stewart Semantic Data New York Event

7 Habits of Highly Effective Taxonomy Governance

This presentation, delivered by Guillermo Galdamez at the Taxonomy Bootcamp Connect Conference, offers seven practical tips for improving taxonomy governance efforts in your organization – making sure that the taxonomy continues to grow and evolve alongside the organization and communicating … Continue reading

Integrating Search and Knowledge Graphs Series Part 1: Displaying Relationships

I’ve spent many years helping clients implement enterprise search solutions and am constantly looking for new ways to improve a user’s search experience so that they can find relevant content as well as discover new content they may not have … Continue reading

Enterprise Level vs. Team Level Taxonomies

Many of our clients ask us how to maintain taxonomies at both the enterprise and the team level without duplicating effort, overcomplicating systems, or burdening end users with multiple metadata fields. Depending on the size of your organization, the size … Continue reading

The UX Guide to Chatbots

Think your organization could benefit from a chatbot but not sure where to start? Or, are you curious to know if your organization would actually benefit from chatbot implementation? In this blog, I’ll review four necessary areas of consideration before … Continue reading

Common Taxonomy Design Mistakes, Part I: Failing to Include Your End Users

The necessity of a business taxonomy has become increasingly apparent as organizations across the globe have shifted to working from home and, consequently, have an increased need for their employees to be able to quickly and independently find and discover … Continue reading

Three Things You can do Today to Get the Most out of Microsoft 365’s Project Cortex

Project Cortex is Microsoft’s new AI offering as part of its Microsoft 365 Suite. It will have several exciting features that organizations can leverage to make connections between content, data, and experts. Cortex will be able to surface knowledge that … Continue reading