Content related to Enterprise AI Meets Access and Entitlement Challenges: A Framework for Securing Content and Data for AI
Content Silos: Causes, Problems, and Solutions
Organizations are producing exponentially more content than ever before. In most businesses today, every employee is a content creator which has led to multiple, uncoordinated content management systems (CMS). Siloed systems cause content management issues such as duplication of content, … Continue reading
Webinar: Making KM Clickable (Powering Great Enterprise Search with KM)
Presented by EK’s Zach Wahl and Joe Hilger, this webinar discusses how KM enables Advanced Enterprise Search.
SharePointSaga Episode 4- Prequel: SharePoint One
“This is SharePoint One calling any Alliance ships that can hear me. Is there anybody out there? This is SharePoint One. Come in, over!” In previous Episodes of the SharePointSaga! Series, we looked at the different SharePoint (SP) versions (Episode … Continue reading
Inside the Intranet – ESEO
Optimizing the Findability of your Content on an Intranet In any organization it’s well known that inefficiencies and/or waste, especially wasted time, can significantly impact the bottom line. This is a key driver in the explosion of artificial intelligence (AI), … Continue reading
SharePointSaga Episode 3: Upgrading and Migrating Your SharePoint System, Pt. 2 (Revenge of the Steps)
“So who talks first, you talk first, I talk first?” In the last episode, I explored important considerations when migrating/upgrading SharePoint. This episode highlights the specific steps of migrating/upgrading between particular versions of SharePoint, especially for on-premise instances. Before outlining … Continue reading
SharePointSaga Episode 2: Upgrading and Migrating Your SharePoint System, Pt. 1 (Attack of the Repeats)
In the last episode, I reviewed different versions of SharePoint. This episode highlights important considerations when migrating/upgrading your SharePoint system. The Kessel Run: Costs Involved in Migration Cost is a key variable that needs to be taken into consideration. Before … Continue reading
Why Did This Website Recommend That?
Earlier this evening I was scrolling through one of my social media feeds and I came across one of those posts where someone is asking, “What did I do to get an ad for [insert completely absurd product] in my feed?” … Continue reading
SharePointSaga! Determining Which Version of SharePoint is Right for Your Migration
In this trilogy + prequel blog series we will explore all the possibilities of your SharePoint upgrade/migration journey. “Punch it!!” Episode 1: Exploring SharePoint 2016, 2019, and Online (The Phantom Versions) Microsoft’s SharePoint products and technologies have enjoyed explosive growth … Continue reading
Webinar: Laying KM Foundations for Successful and Transformative AI
Presented by EK’s Zach Wahl and Joe Hilger, this webinar discusses how AI can harness the full spectrum of your organization’s knowledge so that information can be efficiently found, used, and reused. In the webinar participants learned: • Why Knowledge … Continue reading
What is an Action-Oriented Search Result?
Anytime Google updates their search experience, the subtle change seems to be snuck into the search engine overnight to either gently surprise the detail-oriented or to otherwise go unnoticed. However, one of Google’s most impactful, and definitely most noticeable changes, … Continue reading