
Content related to Knowledge Management Technology to Improve Learning Outcomes

Synergizing Knowledge Graphs with Large Language Models (LLMs): A Path to Semantically Enhanced Intelligence

Why do Large Language Models (LLMs) sometimes produce unexpected or inaccurate results, often referred to as ‘hallucinations’? What challenges do organizations face when attempting to align the capabilities of LLMs with their specific business contexts? These pressing questions underscore the … Continue reading

A Structured Content Model and Multi-Channel Publishing for Rapid Content Distribution

The Challenge EK partnered with the office of a large government agency whose primary mission required them to rapidly distribute real-time updates about current events to government executives and their staff. At the same time, they needed the ability to … Continue reading

Expert Analysis: Top 5 Considerations When Building a Modern Knowledge Portal

Knowledge Portals aggregate and present various types of content – including unstructured content, structured data, and connections to people and enterprise resources. This facilitates the creation of new knowledge and discovery of existing information. The following article highlights five key … Continue reading

QA for Personalized Content

We’ve all sifted through dense technical documentation which has way too much detail about features and products that aren’t even relevant to us – just to get to that one nugget of information we’re actually looking for (often on page … Continue reading