Blog Archives

Knowledge Management Trends in 2023

As CEO of the world’s largest Knowledge Management consulting company, I am fortunate to possess a unique view of KM trends. For each of the last several years, I’ve written an annual list of these KM trends, and looking back, … Continue reading

Building an Innovative Learning Ecosystem at Scale with Graph Technologies

Todd Fahlberg, a Portfolio Manager for Enterprise Knowledge, and Amber Simpson, a Senior Manager at Walmart Academy, presented on November 9, 2022 at the KMWorld Conference in Washington, DC on the topic of Building an Innovative Learning Ecosystem at Scale … Continue reading

Climbing the Ontology Mountain to Achieve a Successful Knowledge Graph

Tatiana Baquero Cakici, Senior KM Consultant, and Jennifer Doughty, Senior Solution Consultant from Enterprise Knowledge’s Data and Information Management (DIME) Division presented at the Taxonomy Boot Camp (KMWorld 2022) on November 17, 2022. KMWorld is the world’s leading knowledge management … Continue reading