Hilger Featured in Database Trends and Applications Magazine

EK COO Joe Hilger was recently featured in a Q&A from Database Trends and Applications magazine, where he discusses enterprise knowledge graph trends and use cases. Specifically, Hilger details the most high value use cases for knowledge graphs and discusses … Continue reading

The UX Guide to Chatbots

Think your organization could benefit from a chatbot but not sure where to start? Or, are you curious to know if your organization would actually benefit from chatbot implementation? In this blog, I’ll review four necessary areas of consideration before … Continue reading

Taxonomy Use Cases: How To Estimate Effort and Complexity

When asked to define taxonomy, I like to define it as a method rather than a thing. I typically say taxonomy is a way of categorizing things hierarchically, from general to more specific. Sounds simple enough, right? After all, who … Continue reading

Presentation: Introduction to Knowledge Graphs

This workshop presentation from Joe Hilger, Founder and COO, and Sara Nash, Technical Analyst, was delivered on June 8, 2020 as part of the Data Summit 2020 virtual conference. The 3-hour workshop provided an interdisciplinary group of participants with a … Continue reading

EK Listed on KMWorld’s AI 50 Leading Companies

Enterprise Knowledge (EK) has been listed on KMWorld’s inaugural list of leaders in Artificial Intelligence, the AI 50: The Companies Empowering Intelligent Knowledge Management. KMWorld developed the list to help shine a light on innovative knowledge management vendors that are … Continue reading

Natural Language Processing and Taxonomy Design

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that processes and analyzes human language found in text. Some of the exciting capabilities that NLP offers includes parsing out the significant entities in content through a statistical analysis … Continue reading

Ivanov and White Speaking at a Joint Webinar Series on Semantic Data Fabric

Enterprise Knowledge’s Senior Consultants, Yanko Ivanov and Ben White, will be speaking at a series of joint webinars hosted by Semantic Web Company titled: “The Road to AI Requires Semantic Data Fabric.” The webinar series focuses on the value and … Continue reading