
Content related to Adding Context to Content in the Semantic Layer

Enhancing Retail Performance with Semantic Layer As an Enabler for Data and Analytics Teams

Enterprise Knowledge is working with a multinational bank to enable their risk-assessing processes by using semantics and connected data. Heavily regulated financial services firms require comprehensive and complex risk management. This requires employees to thoroughly account for risk and report it in detail to regulators. Continue reading

A Semantic Layer to Enable Risk Management at a Multinational Bank

Enterprise Knowledge is working with a multinational bank to enable their risk-assessing processes by using semantics and connected data. Heavily regulated financial services firms require comprehensive and complex risk management. This requires employees to thoroughly account for risk and report it in detail to regulators. Continue reading

From Artificial Intelligence to Knowledge Intelligence

Much of the dialogue in our industry has been dominated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and what that means to the fields of Knowledge Management, Data Management, and Content Management. At EK, we’ve been witnessing firsthand the impact of the “AI … Continue reading