Content related to Building and Sustaining Corporate Culture
Best Practices for Leading Change
In your organization, is there a distinct strategy behind the people side of your organizational change, or is there simply a collection of tactical communications or training activities that need to be “managed” during a rollout? Change leadership requires the … Continue reading
Meetup: Design Thinking Lab Happy Hour (April)
Enterprise Knowledge is hosting the OpenIDEO DC Chapter’s Design Thinking Lab Happy Hour on April 25th. To sign up, visit the OpenIDEO DC Chapter Meetup page. OpenIDEO’s Design Thinking Lab Happy Hour will feature open networking and opportunities to test drive … Continue reading
Are Internal Social Networks Ungovernable?
I recently ran a workshop for one of EK’s clients that was designed to discover, document, and then model how their internal social network (Yammer in this case) was running in their organization. The idea was to figure out if … Continue reading
Business Agility Starter Kit
Lead your organization through the next disruptive change in your industry. EK’s business agility starter kit will kickstart your organization to being agile at the enterprise level. Whether business agility means a more collaborative workforce, faster organizational learning, or resilience … Continue reading
Top 5 EK Blogs of 2016
Knowledge sharing is at the core of everything we do at Enterprise Knowledge. Thought Leadership is, in fact, one of our Guiding Principles – whether it’s presenting at a conference about knowledge management best practices, writing guides to the latest … Continue reading
EK’s Year in Review- 2016
As 2016 comes to a close, I’ve been reflecting on EK’s challenges and successes over the course of the year. We had another year of growth, of great experience partnering with our clients to help them achieve their goals, and … Continue reading
Your KM Project Needs a Change Strategy
Do you assume people will adopt your new knowledge management initiative, or is adoption something you are actively investing in? Resistance can be the death knell for a KM project, and can lead to technology being left unused, processes being … Continue reading
Agile Training is Not Enough
At EK, we often work with clients who are undergoing a second or even third attempt at an agile transformation. One of the most common complaints we hear is that a team attended a two- or three-day training class and … Continue reading
Practical Knowledge Management
This presentation leverages several recent success stories from EK’s client work to discuss current themes in Knowledge and Information Management systems design and development. It includes examples and discussion of Cloud, Agile, Taxonomy, and Change Management, amongst other themes.
Change Management for Agile Projects
Through our years of designing, developing, and implementing knowledge and information management technologies, we’ve consistently regarded user understanding and buy-in as key criteria for success. The change management profession aims to reduce the purported 70% failure rate on large projects … Continue reading