Natural Language Search on Big Data
The Solution By extracting key entities or metadata fields, such as topic, place, person, customer, plant, etc. from their sample files and data sets, Enterprise Knowledge (EK) developed an ontology to describe the key questions business users were interested in … Continue reading
Project and Expert Finder
The Challenge A federally funded engineering research center has an extensive “project library” where technical documents, certifications, and reports related to various engineering projects are stored. Many of these documents are often scanned versions of handwritten notes or files and, … Continue reading
Semantic Data Portal/Data Catalog
A Course Recommendation System – Based on a Knowledge Graph
The Challenge A healthcare workforce solutions provider wanted to increase engagement and learning outcomes across their learning platform as part of an initiative to grow interactive and adaptive learning capabilities using cutting edge knowledge management and natural language processing techniques. … Continue reading
What is a Semantic Architecture and How do I Build One?
Can you access the bulk of your organization’s data through simple search or navigation using common business terms? If so, your organization may be one of the few that is reaping the benefits of a semantic data layer. A semantic … Continue reading
Ivanov to Speak at Knowledge Graph Conference
Yanko Ivanov, a Senior Solution Architect at Enterprise Knowledge, will be presenting at the upcoming global, digital-first, multi-day Knowledge Graph Conference being held on May 6th and 7th. Ivanov’s presentation, “The Curious Case of the Semantic Data Catalog,” will discuss … Continue reading
What I’m Looking Forward to Learning at SEMANTiCS Austin 2020
SEMANTiCS Austin 2020 is the inaugural SEMANTiCS U.S. conference that will bring together knowledge graphs, ontologies, and Enterprise AI. These topics, among others, are of particular interest to my work in search and semantics, and I am excited to see … Continue reading
What’s the Difference Between an Ontology and a Knowledge Graph?
As semantic applications become increasingly hot topics in the industry, clients often come to EK asking about ontologies and knowledge graphs. Specifically, they want to know the differences between the two. Are ontologies and knowledge graphs the same thing? If … Continue reading
Upcoming Webinar: Knowledge Graphs, AI and Semantics: How do these technologies fit together?
Confused about these new technologies and why companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft rely on them? Join a panel of experts, including Alan Morrison (Sr. Research Fellow, Emerging Tech, PwC), Aaron Bradley (Knowledge Graph Strategist, Electronic Arts), Kurt Cagle (Contributing … Continue reading
What is the Roadmap to Enterprise AI?
Artificial Intelligence technologies allow organizations to streamline processes, optimize logistics, drive engagement, and enhance predictability as the organizations themselves become more agile, experimental, and adaptable. To demystify the process of incorporating AI capabilities into your own enterprise, we broke it … Continue reading