Content related to Identifying Security Risks Using Auto-Tagging and Text Analytics
RACI+F: An Agile Tool for Taxonomy Maintenance
Keep It Simple for the Stakeholders, should be the guiding principle for taxonomy design and maintenance. Stakeholders know the business but don’t need to get bogged down with the intricacies of taxonomy design. A taxonomy governance plan, therefore, should be … Continue reading
What is a Content Type?
More often than ever, our clients’ Intranet projects involve developing and implementing Content Types to improve the creation and management of content. This includes the creation of news articles, policies, guidelines, and other common Intranet content items. The overwhelming amount … Continue reading
Improving Findability using Content Deconstruction
Lengthy documents spanning tens or hundreds of pages are commonplace in today’s enterprises. However, they provide a host of issues when trying to integrate into a company’s intranet. These issues can be solved by the use of content deconstruction – breaking large documents into more granular, manageable units of content – for improved tagging and findability. Continue reading
Business Taxonomies for Talent Management & Strategy
A set of well-designed business taxonomies can connect the most qualified people to the best-suited opportunities throughout an organization’s talent management lifecycle. When employees feel a sense of challenge and accomplishment in their current role and in anticipation of future … Continue reading
Data Uniformity Inside of Google Analytics or the Use of Filters
Google Analytics does not automatically apply uniformity of data, making it difficult to parse and analyze information about your web properties. Thankfully, Google Analytics offers us a solution in the form of filters. Filters can be used for any number … Continue reading
Using Google Analytics to Obtain Customer Intimacy
Recently the term “customer intimacy” has exploded upon the digital landscape. Companies, corporations, and other entities have been exploring ways to better understand just who their actual customers are and how they can better relate to them. Customer Intimacy: The … Continue reading
Supporting Grassroots Communities of Learning
In this recent presentation from KMWorld 2017, EK’s Rebecca Wyatt presented alongside the National Park Service to discuss content strategy and grassroots Communities of Practice (Communities of Learning) support.
Validation Techniques to Enhance Usability
In this recent presentation from Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017, part of KMWorld, EK consultants Ben White and Tatiana Cakici discuss various validation techniques to ensure usability of taxonomy designs.
Transforming an Employee Portal to a Digital Workspace
When is a company both a brand-new startup and an established and mature company at the same time? In November 2016, Johnson Controls spun out its auto seating business, creating a new, wholly independent company called Adient. Adient was born … Continue reading
Top 5 Key Indicators That Your Content Is Performing For You
Whether you’re building an internal employee portal or public facing website, it’s critical to measure the effectiveness of your content. Although the analytics you capture can be as basic or complex as the maturity of your content strategy team, there … Continue reading