
Content related to Improving Learning Content Efficiency with Reusable Learning Content

Building an Innovative Learning Ecosystem at Scale with Graph Technologies

Todd Fahlberg, a Portfolio Manager for Enterprise Knowledge, and Amber Simpson, a Senior Manager at Walmart Academy, presented on November 9, 2022 at the KMWorld Conference in Washington, DC on the topic of Building an Innovative Learning Ecosystem at Scale … Continue reading

Leveraging Headless CMS for Technical Cross-Functionality

Headless CMS (Content Management System) architecture is a flexible development strategy for applications that is rapidly growing in today’s industry practices. Utilizing a headless CMS architecture allows an application to deliver content authored from a single interface to multiple delivery … Continue reading

Transforming Tabular Data into Personalized, Componentized Content using Knowledge Graphs in Python

My colleagues Joe Hilger and Neil Quinn recently wrote blogs highlighting the benefits of leveraging a knowledge graph in tandem with a componentized content management system (CCMS) to curate personalized content for users. Hilger set the stage explaining the business … Continue reading

Content Personalization with Knowledge Graphs in Python

In a recent blog post, my colleague Joe Hilger described how a knowledge graph can be used in conjunction with a componentized content management system (CCMS) to provide personalized content to customers. This post will show the example data from … Continue reading

Improving Product Documentation With a CCMS and a Knowledge Graph

The Challenge A financial solutions provider wanted to improve and personalize customer interaction with support and technical documentation as well as streamline the content authoring process to ensure consistent messaging and avoid duplicated information. Before the EK team’s involvement, technical … Continue reading