News related to Moving Your Knowledge Management Journey Forward with Design Thinking
Enterprise Knowledge Featured at Upcoming KMWorld 2017
Enterprise Knowledge (EK) is playing an extensive role at KMWorld and the associated conferences this year. In total, six EK KM Experts will be sharing their experiences and offering thought leadership at the events, occurring the week of November 6th, … Continue reading
Meetup: Knowledge Management Association (KMA) DC (May 2017)
On Friday, May 26, EK Senior Consultant Tatiana Baquero Cakici will give a talk on taxonomy best practices at the Knowledge Management Association meetup. Cakici will outline how a user-centric methodology and a governance framework provide a structure to label and … Continue reading
Meetup: Web Content Mavens (June 2017)
EK’s own Rebecca Wyatt will be speaking about agile content development at a meetup held by Web Content Mavens. The topic of the event is Applied Agile & Design Thinking for Web Projects. Event Description If you create web content … Continue reading
Meetup: Agile NOVA Coaching Circle (May 2017)
On Thursday, May 18, 2017 Enterprise Knowledge will be hosting the Agile NOVA Coaching Circle. The group will be discussing how agile coaches can seamlessly transition between roles as coaches, mentors, consultants, and trainers. Register for the event by visiting … Continue reading
Meetup: Knowledge Management Association (KMA) DC: April 2017
Enterprise Knowledge is hosting the Knowledge Management Assocation (KMA) MeetUp. Join the group and RSVP by visiting the KMA MeetUp event page. This MeetUp will feature Victor Jimenez, an experienced leader and KM practitioner with over 15 years of combined professional … Continue reading
Meetup: Agile NOVA (March 2017)
EK is sponsoring the March Agile NOVA meetup, which will be an Open Space event. The subject of the meetupwill be “Can innovation happen without invitation?” To learn more about the event or register, visit the Agile NOVA MeetUp group … Continue reading
Meetup: Knowledge Management Association (KMA) DC: February 2017
Enterprise Knowledge is hosting the Knowledge Management Association (KMA) MeetUp. Join the group by visiting the KMA MeetUp page.
Meetup: Northern Virginia MarkLogic Group (NOVAMLUG)
On Tuesday, January 31, 2017, Enterprise Knowledge will be hosting the Northern Virginia MarkLogic User Group (NOVAMLUG) MeetUp. The group will be discussing the differences between a data lake and a data hub, and what the pros and cons are for … Continue reading
Meetup: Knowledge Management Association (KMA) DC: January 2017
Enterprise Knowledge is hosting the Knowledge Management Assocation (KMA) MeetUp. Join the group by visiting the KMA MeetUp page. This MeetUp will feature Mr. Hedeer El-Showk, who will be speaking about machine learning theory and technology and it’s applications to knowledge … Continue reading
Meetup: Knowledge Management Association (KMA) DC (December 2016)
Enterprise Knowledge is hosting the Knowledge Management Associate (KMA) MeetUp. Join the group by visiting the KMA MeetUp page. This MeetUp will feature Zach Wahl discussing The National Park Service Common Learning Portal (CLP). The National Park Service Common Learning Portal (CLP) provides … Continue reading