
Content related to QA for Personalized Content

Dynamic Content

Creating high-quality content quickly and efficiently requires thinking of your content not as a web page or PDF but as a set of flexible, reusable building blocks that can be assembled into the format that meets your employees’ or customers’ needs. A dynamic content model leverages those reusable components to build personalized experiences. Continue reading

Measuring the Value of your Semantic Layer: KPIs for Taxonomies, Ontologies, and Knowledge Graphs

Utilizing semantic applications in your business, such as an enterprise taxonomy, ontology, or knowledge graph, can increase efficiency, reduce cognitive load, and improve cohesion across the enterprise, among other benefits. While these benefits are extremely valuable they can be difficult … Continue reading

A Structured Content Model and Multi-Channel Publishing for Rapid Content Distribution

The Challenge EK partnered with the office of a large government agency whose primary mission required them to rapidly distribute real-time updates about current events to government executives and their staff. At the same time, they needed the ability to … Continue reading