Content related to SharePointSaga! Determining Which Version of SharePoint is Right for Your Migration
SharePointSaga Episode 4- Prequel: SharePoint One
“This is SharePoint One calling any Alliance ships that can hear me. Is there anybody out there? This is SharePoint One. Come in, over!” In previous Episodes of the SharePointSaga! Series, we looked at the different SharePoint (SP) versions (Episode … Continue reading
Inside the Intranet – ESEO
Optimizing the Findability of your Content on an Intranet In any organization it’s well known that inefficiencies and/or waste, especially wasted time, can significantly impact the bottom line. This is a key driver in the explosion of artificial intelligence (AI), … Continue reading
SharePointSaga Episode 3: Upgrading and Migrating Your SharePoint System, Pt. 2 (Revenge of the Steps)
“So who talks first, you talk first, I talk first?” In the last episode, I explored important considerations when migrating/upgrading SharePoint. This episode highlights the specific steps of migrating/upgrading between particular versions of SharePoint, especially for on-premise instances. Before outlining … Continue reading
SharePointSaga Episode 2: Upgrading and Migrating Your SharePoint System, Pt. 1 (Attack of the Repeats)
In the last episode, I reviewed different versions of SharePoint. This episode highlights important considerations when migrating/upgrading your SharePoint system. The Kessel Run: Costs Involved in Migration Cost is a key variable that needs to be taken into consideration. Before … Continue reading
Why Did This Website Recommend That?
Earlier this evening I was scrolling through one of my social media feeds and I came across one of those posts where someone is asking, “What did I do to get an ad for [insert completely absurd product] in my feed?” … Continue reading
What is an Action-Oriented Search Result?
Anytime Google updates their search experience, the subtle change seems to be snuck into the search engine overnight to either gently surprise the detail-oriented or to otherwise go unnoticed. However, one of Google’s most impactful, and definitely most noticeable changes, … Continue reading
Fixing Enterprise Search Without Changing Code
Too many of the business clients I work with feel that they are powerless when it comes to fixing their enterprise search problems. While these individuals are able to say what content is relevant, they feel dependent on IT to … Continue reading
Using Knowledge Graph Data Models to Solve Real Business Problems
A successful business today must possess the capacity to quickly glean valuable insights from massive amounts of data and information coming from diverse sources. The scale and speed at which companies are generating data and information, however, often makes this … Continue reading
Increase the Re-Use of Knowledge Assets with Semantic Hubs
In my last blog, I discussed how knowledge graphs aggregate information from multiple systems to enable powerful search and discovery tools. A semantic hub (or semantic middleware) is a metadata-enhanced bridge that connects a knowledge graph to user-facing applications, helping … Continue reading
The Roadmap to Open, Accessible, and Machine-Readable Data
In January, the federal government passed a new law to improve data management at federal agencies, H.R. 4174, the “Foundations for Evidence-based Policymaking Act of 2018”. The law includes the Open, Public, Electronic, and Necessary Government Data Act, or the … Continue reading