Blog Archives
Rebecca Wyatt and Emily Crockett to Speak at Upcoming Learning Guild Conference
Rebecca Wyatt, Partner and Director for Enterprise Knowledge’s Advanced Content Team, and Emily Crockett, Content Engineering Consultant, will deliver a hands-on micro master class on “Improving Learning Content Efficiency with Reusable Learning Content” at The Learning Guild “Work Smarter, not … Continue reading
EK’s Yanko Ivanov to speak at OmnichannelX Podcast
EK’s Principal Solution Consultant, Yanko Ivanov, will be the guest speaker at the OmnichannelX Podcast. Yanko specializes in applying advanced content strategies related to content governance, design, and engineering. His extensive experience includes leveraging knowledge graphs and AI technologies to … Continue reading
Game-based Learning & Gamification Motivates Employees and Improves Performance
Enterprise Knowledge assembled Team EK to deliver advanced learning solutions as part of the USA Learning contract. We’ve invited world-leading subject matter experts to offer guest posts in our Knowledge Base, as part of our ongoing commitment to thought leadership … Continue reading
Advanced Learning for the Enterprise
I’ve recently been expressing how pleased I am with the trend of Knowledge Management and Learning functions coming together. There’s a lot to like about this merger of two disciplines. At its core, KM should always serve as an enabling … Continue reading
Knowledge Management Trends in 2022
As we move into 2022, I’m excited to present my annual listing of KM trends. We’re seeing a great deal of movement and investment in Knowledge Management. As predicted last year, Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Graphs have grown to be … Continue reading
Transforming Instructional Programs from Classroom To Blended Learning
The Challenge Enterprise Knowledge (EK) worked with a federal agency tasked with preserving our nation’s natural and cultural resources to transform instructional programs and maximize their accessibility and effectiveness. Traditionally, training at this agency is held in-person in a classroom. … Continue reading
Developing A Competency-Based Training Plan for an Employee Transformation Initiative
The Challenge A private learning organization that partners with the federal government to train their employees was undergoing a transformation from a brick-and-mortar learning institution to an all-digital learning platform. This transformation, further accelerated by the global impact of COVID-19, … Continue reading
Trends in Enterprise Learning
Lately I’ve been watching the quick maturation of learning and development concepts, practices, and technologies with interest and excitement. Organizations are paying more attention to learning and performance, how they apply it within their organization, and how it fits together … Continue reading
What is Enterprise Learning and Why is it Important?
What is Enterprise Learning? Enterprise learning includes creating a set of learning principles and practices that allow employees, partners, clients, and customers to access knowledge and training at the time of need. In a world where content changes fast and … Continue reading
A Course Recommendation System – Based on a Knowledge Graph
The Challenge A healthcare workforce solutions provider wanted to increase engagement and learning outcomes across their learning platform as part of an initiative to grow interactive and adaptive learning capabilities using cutting edge knowledge management and natural language processing techniques. … Continue reading