
Content related to Adding Context to Content in the Semantic Layer

Introducing Content Standards in Social Organizations

How can spontaneous innovation and organizational standards live happily in the same knowledge management system? While working with a client recently, I was impressed by how much innovation I was seeing throughout the organization.  Folks were “figuring things out” in … Continue reading

Agile Knowledge Management

Companies in nearly every industry are adopting Agile techniques to enhance IT projects, manage marketing initiatives, and manage their business.   If you are passionate about Knowledge Management (KM), you may wonder how Agile and KM fit together.  We at Enterprise … Continue reading

New Year’s Resolutions – The Knowledge Management Edition

If you’re like many, at this time of year, you’re tossing the last of the fruit cake, sweeping the pine needles, and shelving the holiday decorations for another year.  Of course, it’s also that time of year to begin making … Continue reading

Six Ways to Simplify Metadata Management

Good metadata is critical to helping people find information. Metadata can be used to enhance search tools, drive navigation and relate documents to one another. Unfortunately, manually adding metadata to content is cumbersome for small batches of content and impractical … Continue reading

Knowledge Base Best Practices

Putting the Knowledge in Knowledge Bases Across the spectrum of the Knowledge and Information Management services offered by Enterprise Knowledge, one of the common themes of late has been the design and development of knowledge bases for helps desks and … Continue reading

Building a Business Case for Knowledge Management

I am sure many of you have been following the the GM ignition switch recall.  The Washington Post has an interesting article on what happened the other day.  As I read the story, it painted a clear picture for me … Continue reading