
Content related to Industry Panel: Different Applications of a Semantic Layer — Takeaways Blog

3 Ways to Build Adaptability as a Core Organizational Competency

Often when working with an organization, we hear from leadership a desire for their workforce to be more adaptable. Their reasons vary. Some are working within a resource-constrained environment (e.g., they face limitations on staffing, budgets, and other resources necessary … Continue reading

Bringing KM, Search, and AI Together

Clients come to EK looking to empower their people, make operations more efficient, and create a competitive advantage against their peers through improved Knowledge Management (KM). They want to take advantage of cutting-edge technologies like knowledge graphs, artificial intelligence (AI), … Continue reading

Best Practices for Enterprise Knowledge Graph Design

In my previous post, I described Enterprise Knowledge Graphs and their importance to today’s organization. Now that we understand the value of Enterprise Knowledge Graphs, I want to address questions like how we create one for a specific organization, where … Continue reading

What is an Enterprise Knowledge Graph and Why Do I Want One?

Enterprise Knowledge Graphs have been on the rise. We see them as an incredibly valuable tool for relating your structured and unstructured information and discovering facts about your organization. Yet, knowledge graphs have been and still are far too underutilized. … Continue reading

Sustaining Adoption After Product Launch

A Story I recently consulted on a project where the team did everything right to promote adoption of a new technical system. Knowledge Management Consultants from Enterprise Knowledge (myself included) helped the client define a clear vision for the product, … Continue reading