Content related to Meetup: Design Thinking Lab Happy Hour (June)
Top 10 EK Blogs of the Decade
In the past decade, EK employees have published over 230 pieces of thought leadership, addressing everything from best practices and success stories, to key insights and lessons learned. Sharing our knowledge and expertise is one of our guiding principles at … Continue reading
Top 5 EK Blogs of 2019
In the past year, EK employees have published over 60 pieces of thought leadership, covering a variety of topics, including Knowledge Graphs and AI, Knowledge Transfer, and Integrated Change Management. Below are the top 5 most viewed blogs and white … Continue reading
EK’s Year in Review – 2019
As 2019 comes to an end, I’d like to summarize our year and take a brief look forward to 2020. In 2019, we once again continued our growth, exceeding our performance expectations, adding new capabilities in Advanced Search and Enterprise … Continue reading
Building an Agile KM Roadmap
Knowledge Management (KM) is fundamental to the effectiveness and success of every organization. A strategic roadmap to maturing an organization’s KM capabilities is what sets apart organizations that leverage their collective knowledge from their competitors who don’t have a handle … Continue reading
Building and Sustaining Corporate Culture
As EK has grown over the last several years, I’ve found that more and more of my time, energy, and late night ponderings have been dedicated to sustaining our incredibly special corporate culture. Like a parent who always sees their … Continue reading
Developing Good KM Habits to Make KM Stick
Clients often ask me how to make Knowledge Management (KM) a seamless part of their workforce’s day-to-day operations. They want to know how to shift people’s perceptions from KM as “another thing I have to do in addition to my … Continue reading
Complement Your Change Management Efforts with Gamification
Despite being a relatively new concept in the KM field, gamification is already an overused term that gets thrown around in virtually any initiative. Defined as an organization’s use of design and insights from video games to increase participant engagement … Continue reading
Choosing the Best Project Management Approach for Your Team: The Cynefin Framework
“We are going agile!” This seems to be a statement often used in an effort to streamline existing business practices in favor of more efficient and customer-focused processes. However, before we make a paradigm shift in our day to day … Continue reading
EK’s Year in Review – 2018
What a year we’ve had together at Enterprise Knowledge! As 2018 draws to a close, I’m happy to take a step back to summarize EK’s year. In 2018, we experienced our most exceptional growth yet. We expanded our capabilities and … Continue reading
Meetup: Knowledge Management Community of DC (September 2018)
On Thursday, September 27, 2018, the Knowledge Management Community of DC Meetup will host its monthly event at Enterprise Knowledge. In this session, presenter John Hovell will guide participants in an interactive discussion around conversational leadership and how to practice … Continue reading