Content related to Meetup: Introduction to Design Thinking
Design Thinking for Organization Design
At EK, we are mindful that for any Knowledge and Information Management initiative to be effectively adopted within an organization we have to ask ourselves two questions: “who will have to do their jobs differently?” and “what new processes and … Continue reading
Applied Design Thinking
Regardless of whether you’re building an organization-wide intranet or designing a strategy to mature knowledge management within your organization, these efforts will succeed or fail based on how you engage your end users. Too often, KM efforts suffer from not … Continue reading
Moving Your Knowledge Management Journey Forward with Design Thinking
As I’ve often asserted, one of the major reasons KM efforts fail is the lack of early, frequent, and consistent involvement from end users. We also continue to see organizations struggle with early KM strategy and decision-making, failing to get … Continue reading
Meetup: Knowledge Management Community of DC (July 2018)
On Thursday, July 26, 2018, the Knowledge Management Community of DC Meetup will host its monthly event at Enterprise Knowledge. In this session, presenter David Lambert will share a proven planning template to bring people together to start a conversation, … Continue reading
RACI+F: An Agile Tool for Taxonomy Maintenance
Keep It Simple for the Stakeholders, should be the guiding principle for taxonomy design and maintenance. Stakeholders know the business but don’t need to get bogged down with the intricacies of taxonomy design. A taxonomy governance plan, therefore, should be … Continue reading
The Business Analyst Role: Agile v. Waterfall
In this presentation, Yanko Ivanov and Tatiana Baquero Cakici share their experience regarding how the role of a Business Analyst (BA) changes in an agile environment when a software development team is trying to move from a traditional software development … Continue reading
How Agile Leaders Attract and Retain the Best Talent
In this blog for the Arlington Chamber of Commerce, Mary Little shares how the agile leadership at Enterprise Knowledge attracts and retains top talent in the industry. Continue reading
Four Habits of Highly Effective ScrumMasters
With the expansion of agile into government and beyond IT, there are more and more ScrumMasters – facilitators who lead teams through Scrum processes as part of agile adoption. Unfortunately, the ScrumMaster role is becoming a victim of agile’s success: … Continue reading
Agile Knowledge Management
EK uses an agile approach in everything we do. In this presentation from the 2018 KMI Showcase, Joe Hilger shares how we apply agile across all of our KM projects. Learn how EK uses agile to develop a KM Strategy. Once … Continue reading
How to Practice Agile in Traditional Management Roles
Organizations in the 21st century face great opportunities and threats presented by fast paced technological advances. According to Forbes Magazine, the most defining traits of a successful 21st century organization are: Relentless innovation, which requires a new mindset that liberates … Continue reading