
Content related to Meetup: Knowledge Management Association (KMA) DC: April 2017

The Art of Taxonomy Design

Throughout my years of taxonomy design consulting, I’ve tried to balance the human side of taxonomy with the data-driven side. This has evolved over time to inform the hybrid taxonomy design methodology that EK leverages. This approach leverages both top-down … Continue reading

Agile Release Planning Best Practices

Our clients often ask us: how do you know when to release a software product or website? No product manager wants to release if functionality is broken or not usable, yet good business mandates regular progress to users and stakeholders. How … Continue reading

Brand Content Strategy for Enterprise Knowledge and Information Management

When it comes to knowledge and information management, enterprise systems possess very specific content needs. Even at high volumes, content needs to be sleek, user friendly, and brand appropriate. Yet, very few firms think in terms of content strategy, never … Continue reading

Change Management for Agile Projects

Through our years of designing, developing, and implementing knowledge and information management technologies, we’ve consistently regarded user understanding and buy-in as key criteria for success. The change management profession aims to reduce the purported 70% failure rate on large projects … Continue reading

Introducing Content Standards in Social Organizations

How can spontaneous innovation and organizational standards live happily in the same knowledge management system? While working with a client recently, I was impressed by how much innovation I was seeing throughout the organization.  Folks were “figuring things out” in … Continue reading

Agile Knowledge Management

Companies in nearly every industry are adopting Agile techniques to enhance IT projects, manage marketing initiatives, and manage their business.   If you are passionate about Knowledge Management (KM), you may wonder how Agile and KM fit together.  We at Enterprise … Continue reading

New Year’s Resolutions – The Knowledge Management Edition

If you’re like many, at this time of year, you’re tossing the last of the fruit cake, sweeping the pine needles, and shelving the holiday decorations for another year.  Of course, it’s also that time of year to begin making … Continue reading