
Content related to The Role of Taxonomy and Ontology in Semantic Layers

Improved Customer Service and Risk Management through KM

The Challenge At over 30,000 employees, this diverse insurance organization has business areas that widely vary in information maturity, some actively leveraging taxonomies while others used basic/unorganized tagging systems or simple folder structures. Even business areas with mature taxonomies were … Continue reading

Employee 360 Views: Common Use Cases

In an earlier blog, I discussed what Employee 360 Views are and which possible sources of information can feed them. In this blog, I describe why Employee 360 Views are important from various end users’ perspectives, what employee information they … Continue reading

Employee 360 Views: What are they?

Leaders from every organization need accurate and up-to-date information about their employees to support key corporate decisions, enhance business profitability, and remain competitive in today’s world. One of the best ways to better understand your employees is through an Employee … Continue reading

Taxonomy Implementation Best Practices

Have you ever found yourself wondering how to implement a taxonomy you’ve just designed or updated? You might have asked yourself, “How do I make this taxonomy work in SharePoint? In Salesforce? Oracle Knowledge Advanced?” You are not alone. Many … Continue reading

7 Habits of Highly Effective Taxonomy Governance

This presentation, delivered by Guillermo Galdamez at the Taxonomy Bootcamp Connect Conference, offers seven practical tips for improving taxonomy governance efforts in your organization – making sure that the taxonomy continues to grow and evolve alongside the organization and communicating … Continue reading

Enterprise Level vs. Team Level Taxonomies

Many of our clients ask us how to maintain taxonomies at both the enterprise and the team level without duplicating effort, overcomplicating systems, or burdening end users with multiple metadata fields. Depending on the size of your organization, the size … Continue reading

Common Taxonomy Design Mistakes, Part I: Failing to Include Your End Users

The necessity of a business taxonomy has become increasingly apparent as organizations across the globe have shifted to working from home and, consequently, have an increased need for their employees to be able to quickly and independently find and discover … Continue reading

Natural Language Processing and Taxonomy Design

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that processes and analyzes human language found in text. Some of the exciting capabilities that NLP offers includes parsing out the significant entities in content through a statistical analysis … Continue reading