EK Listed on KMWorld’s AI 50 Leading Companies

Enterprise Knowledge (EK) has been listed on KMWorld’s inaugural list of leaders in Artificial Intelligence, the AI 50: The Companies Empowering Intelligent Knowledge Management. KMWorld developed the list to help shine a light on innovative knowledge management vendors that are … Continue reading

Natural Language Processing and Taxonomy Design

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that processes and analyzes human language found in text. Some of the exciting capabilities that NLP offers includes parsing out the significant entities in content through a statistical analysis … Continue reading

EK’s Andrew Politi to Present at GovTech

Enterprise Knowledge Senior Consultant Andrew Politi will be presenting during this summer’s Govtech lineup webinar series focused on strengthening relationships between industry and state & local government leadership.   Politi will present a webinar entitled “How Remote Teams Are Transforming the … Continue reading

Ivanov and White Speaking at a Joint Webinar Series on Semantic Data Fabric

Enterprise Knowledge’s Senior Consultants, Yanko Ivanov and Ben White, will be speaking at a series of joint webinars hosted by Semantic Web Company titled: “The Road to AI Requires Semantic Data Fabric.” The webinar series focuses on the value and … Continue reading

Applying The Five Laws of Library Science to your Next Taxonomy or Digital Product

The rate at which we are producing new information is unprecedented. Each year our ability to capture and create information becomes easier. As a result, the need to find information becomes more and more important. Designing the structure of information … Continue reading

Give the People What They Want – An Approach to Thoughtful KM Technology

Presented by Todd Fahlberg, Knowledge Management Consultant, on May 19, 2020. Implementing a meaningful Knowledge Management technology brings many levels of challenges, even in the most innovative, user-centric organizations. In this session, Todd Fahlberg shares proven practices on how to … Continue reading

Building a Semantic Enterprise Architecture

The EK Difference Using a hybrid analysis approach, consisting of a combination of user-driven research (facilitated workshops, focus groups, and interviews) and technology-driven research (in-depth analysis of the existing technology), EK captured the current Enterprise Architecture using our Semantic Enterprise … Continue reading