Next Agile & Design Thinking Course Announced

Enterprise Knowledge (EK) has released the full course overview for the upcoming two-day Certified Knowledge Specialist (CKS) course in Agile and Design Thinking. The next offering of the two-day Certified Knowledge Specialist (CKS) course in Agile and Design Thinking will … Continue reading

Fueling Learning and Development with Knowledge Management

Projects at the intersection of knowledge management and learning and development are increasing. As the workforce diversifies to include five generations, and technology has matured to enable learning at the point of need, organizations have the opportunity to progress from … Continue reading

What is an Enterprise Knowledge Graph and Why Do I Want One?

Enterprise Knowledge Graphs have been on the rise. We see them as an incredibly valuable tool for relating your structured and unstructured information and discovering facts about your organization. Yet, knowledge graphs have been and still are far too underutilized. … Continue reading