
Content related to Climbing the Ontology Mountain to Achieve a Successful Knowledge Graph

Fixing Enterprise Search, Part 1 of 2

In the first part of his two-part series on fixing enterprise search, Joe Hilger discusses some common misconceptions around “fixing” search for organizations. He describes the importance of looking beyond search engine tools to truly understand an organization’s search requirements and … Continue reading

4 Steps to Content Auto-Classification with High Accuracy

As technologies evolve, we have seen the rise of auto-tagging, auto-classification, and auto-categorization tools that attempt to take over the task for describing the content we create. These tools apply metadata tags automatically so we don’t have to. Yet, in … Continue reading

Knowledge Organization Systems: When to Scale Up

The Findability Problem Here at Enterprise Knowledge (EK) we design systems which optimize the findability and discoverability of your knowledge and information. There are a lot of different forms this takes including: Designing a portal which allows a diverse workforce … Continue reading

The Next Level of Integrated Enterprise Knowledge: PoolParty 6.0

A couple of weeks ago, Semantic Web Company (SWC) released a new version, 6.0, of their already extensive PoolParty Semantic Suite with some exciting new additions. Why does this matter? The PoolParty Semantic Suite is further solidifying its spot at … Continue reading