Content related to Knowledge Capture & Knowledge Transfer

Developing A Competency-Based Training Plan for an Employee Transformation Initiative

The Challenge A private learning organization that partners with the federal government to train their employees was undergoing a transformation from a brick-and-mortar learning institution to an all-digital learning platform. This transformation, further accelerated by the global impact of COVID-19, … Continue reading

Knowledge Cast – Claudia Sandulache of Société Générale Retail Bank (BDDF)

In this episode of the Knowledge Cast, EK CEO Zach Wahl speaks with Claudia Sandulache, Director Of Knowledge Management at Société Générale Retail Bank (BDDF). Claudia has been with the organization for 3 years and currently works on developing, maintaining … Continue reading

System Migration and Enterprise Search Design Powered by Enterprise Taxonomy, Automated Tagging, and Content Governance

The Challenge Staff at a US-based investment and insurance company were spending extraneous amounts of time finding information through the organization’s search experience. Users had been instructed to interact with search in specific ways (which filters to use, how to … Continue reading

Improved Customer Service and Risk Management through KM

The Challenge At over 30,000 employees, this diverse insurance organization has business areas that widely vary in information maturity, some actively leveraging taxonomies while others used basic/unorganized tagging systems or simple folder structures. Even business areas with mature taxonomies were … Continue reading

EK AMA – Why doesn’t my search work like Google?

Enterprise Knowledge is proud to announce a new series to Knowledge Cast called EK AMA. EK AMA takes a look at common questions Enterprise Knowledge receives from our clients and colleagues and provides an quick answer to them.  In this … Continue reading

Investing in Development Standards: Code Review Best Practices (Part 5)

This blog series has covered multiple facets of development standards, from code quality and documentation to configuring virtual and containerized environments. In the previous blog, we discussed the benefits of code reviews to ensure your organization is delivering high quality, … Continue reading