Content related to SharePointSaga! Determining Which Version of SharePoint is Right for Your Migration
Semantic Use Cases
This presentation from EK’s Yanko Ivanov outlines several business cases for successfully implementing enterprise knowledge graphs that will provide business value and insight. The presentation explores several different types of knowledge graphs that address varying business cases for knowledge and relationships … Continue reading
What is an Enterprise Knowledge Graph and Why Do I Want One?
Enterprise Knowledge Graphs have been on the rise. We see them as an incredibly valuable tool for relating your structured and unstructured information and discovering facts about your organization. Yet, knowledge graphs have been and still are far too underutilized. … Continue reading
The Two Second Page Load
When managing websites or performing an analysis on a website, as important as it is to know where your visitors are coming from, what pages they are viewing, and other aspects of interaction; it is equally important to know how … Continue reading
MeetUp: Black Code Collective (August 2018) – World of Open Source
On Wednesday, August 22, 2018, the Black Code Collective Meetup will host its monthly event at Enterprise Knowledge. In this session, Vince Sam shares his journey on how he landed a prestigious position at Mapbox and the ways open source has helped him develop, improve, and grow over his 12 years in the world of computer programming Continue reading
Performance Testing Basics
At EK, we help organizations solve their Knowledge Management (KM) problems. Typically, part of the solution is an integrated set of tools that improve the way that content and information is shared. These solutions only work when they are widely … Continue reading
How Project Managers Can Adopt an Agile Leadership Style
Being agile requires a dramatically different leadership style than what you would typically encounter with traditional project management. When I was first introduced to agile projects, I found that not only did my environment change, but my approach towards leadership … Continue reading
Website Design Best Practices
Over the last six months, Enterprise Knowledge (EK) has been in the midst of taking the best of what we know and applying it to our own website. Though we’ve helped an array of Federal Agencies, Fortune 500 Companies, and … Continue reading
Practical Knowledge Management
This presentation leverages several recent success stories from EK’s client work to discuss current themes in Knowledge and Information Management systems design and development. It includes examples and discussion of Cloud, Agile, Taxonomy, and Change Management, amongst other themes.
Agile Activation Workshop
While many IT businesses want to go agile, many of them do not know where to start. Others come to us after a failed agile transformation in which a development team was sent to a Certified ScrumMaster training and told they were agile without being armed with the practical tools to succeed. Continue reading
Agile Release Planning Best Practices
Our clients often ask us: how do you know when to release a software product or website? No product manager wants to release if functionality is broken or not usable, yet good business mandates regular progress to users and stakeholders. How … Continue reading