Content related to EK’s 10th Anniversary
Choosing the Best Project Management Approach for Your Team: The Cynefin Framework
“We are going agile!” This seems to be a statement often used in an effort to streamline existing business practices in favor of more efficient and customer-focused processes. However, before we make a paradigm shift in our day to day … Continue reading
How Faceted Navigation Works
What does the term ‘faceted navigation’ call to mind? For search-savvy individuals, it’s a search experience similar to that which you would find on Amazon. Facets primarily allow an individual to quickly sort through large amounts of information to locate … Continue reading
What’s in a Name? Not Your Org Chart.
An unfortunately common practice in organizations is to use an organization chart as a basis for tagging content in repositories: files, folders, and taxonomies mirror the names of the units, divisions, and teams that created them. However, organizations change. Businesses … Continue reading
Knowledge Graphs for Search and Discovery
For many projects at Enterprise Knowledge, making information more findable and discoverable is a common ask. Clients often ask questions like: Does my organization have any documents that detail the role of product owners on search projects? Have we previously … Continue reading
3 Ways to Build Adaptability as a Core Organizational Competency
Often when working with an organization, we hear from leadership a desire for their workforce to be more adaptable. Their reasons vary. Some are working within a resource-constrained environment (e.g., they face limitations on staffing, budgets, and other resources necessary … Continue reading
The Magical Art of Tidying Up Content
If you have Netflix, you’ve probably seen Tidying Up pop up on your feed. It’s a new series based on Marie Kondo’s book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, which presents her methodology for clearing your clutter, getting organized, and … Continue reading
Bringing KM, Search, and AI Together
Clients come to EK looking to empower their people, make operations more efficient, and create a competitive advantage against their peers through improved Knowledge Management (KM). They want to take advantage of cutting-edge technologies like knowledge graphs, artificial intelligence (AI), … Continue reading
Best Practices for Enterprise Knowledge Graph Design
In my previous post, I described Enterprise Knowledge Graphs and their importance to today’s organization. Now that we understand the value of Enterprise Knowledge Graphs, I want to address questions like how we create one for a specific organization, where … Continue reading
6 Simple Design Principles to Supplement Your Messaging
Visual Design to Enhance Your Message On a daily basis, EK consultants create presentations for clients including everything from facilitation materials for knowledge management workshops and meetings, to educational web resources for web products. As a design enthusiast, I’m often … Continue reading
Taxonomy Design and eDiscovery: When the Lawyer Calls
We have all heard about the exponential growth of electronic information/data/content in recent years and been warned about the impending boom of data and information growth in the near future. Industry research has told us that the time spent looking … Continue reading