
Content related to EK’s Rebecca Wyatt to Serve As Panelist at The Universal CMS Summit

The Importance of Content Governance, An Introduction

A great content strategy will deliver great content, or as our Principal, Zach Wahl, would call it, “NERDy content.” However, even the best content requires the proper level of care and attention in order to remain great. Governance provides support … Continue reading

6 Simple Design Principles to Supplement Your Messaging

Visual Design to Enhance Your Message On a daily basis, EK consultants create presentations for clients including everything from facilitation materials for knowledge management workshops and meetings, to educational web resources for web products. As a design enthusiast, I’m often … Continue reading

Improving Findability using Content Deconstruction

Lengthy documents spanning tens or hundreds of pages are commonplace in today’s enterprises. However, they provide a host of issues when trying to integrate into a company’s intranet. These issues can be solved by the use of content deconstruction – breaking large documents into more granular, manageable units of content – for improved tagging and findability. Continue reading

Data Uniformity Inside of Google Analytics or the Use of Filters

Google Analytics does not automatically apply uniformity of data, making it difficult to parse and analyze information about your web properties. Thankfully, Google Analytics offers us a solution in the form of filters. Filters can be used for any number … Continue reading