Content related to Folders v. Metadata in SharePoint Document Libraries
Achieving a Gold Standard Taxonomy
One of the first steps of a taxonomy design effort is to gather any previous taxonomies that may exist within the business, as well as sample content, search logs, and pre-existing information about these taxonomies’ content or systems. At EK, … Continue reading
Pattern Discovery through Facets
As explored in my previous blog post How Faceted Navigation Works, facets allow you to quickly and efficiently sort through your content to find the information or data that you need. Facets largely mirror taxonomic structures, and business taxonomies are … Continue reading
How Faceted Navigation Works
What does the term ‘faceted navigation’ call to mind? For search-savvy individuals, it’s a search experience similar to that which you would find on Amazon. Facets primarily allow an individual to quickly sort through large amounts of information to locate … Continue reading
What’s in a Name? Not Your Org Chart.
An unfortunately common practice in organizations is to use an organization chart as a basis for tagging content in repositories: files, folders, and taxonomies mirror the names of the units, divisions, and teams that created them. However, organizations change. Businesses … Continue reading
Best Practices for Enterprise Knowledge Graph Design
In my previous post, I described Enterprise Knowledge Graphs and their importance to today’s organization. Now that we understand the value of Enterprise Knowledge Graphs, I want to address questions like how we create one for a specific organization, where … Continue reading
Taxonomy Design and eDiscovery: When the Lawyer Calls
We have all heard about the exponential growth of electronic information/data/content in recent years and been warned about the impending boom of data and information growth in the near future. Industry research has told us that the time spent looking … Continue reading
The Intersection of User Experience and Accessibility
Because EK strives to develop the best web products for our clients, we have a lot of conversations about how to create the best experience for the users of those products and systems. Again and again we come back to … Continue reading
Making KM Clickable with Search
I’ve been in the business of Knowledge Management Consulting for the vast majority of my career and, in my experience, one of the most challenging aspects to KM is its intangibility. I’ve helped an array of organizations to define their … Continue reading
How to Make SharePoint Not Look Like SharePoint, Part Two: Designing Your Master Page
In part one of our “How to Make SharePoint Not Look Like SharePoint” series, we discussed the KM value of custom-designed SharePoint sites, and guided readers through the activation of Publishing Infrastructure at the site collection level, and Server Publishing … Continue reading
How to Make SharePoint Not Look Like SharePoint, Part One: Enabling Publishing Features
At EK, many of our clients have either chosen, or been forced to leverage SharePoint. While SharePoint is recognized for its document management capabilities, users of the software often ask, “How can I make SharePoint not look like SharePoint?” In … Continue reading