Case Study

Content related to Generative AI-Assisted Taxonomy Development for a Global Investment Bank

Applying The Five Laws of Library Science to your Next Taxonomy or Digital Product

The rate at which we are producing new information is unprecedented. Each year our ability to capture and create information becomes easier. As a result, the need to find information becomes more and more important. Designing the structure of information … Continue reading

Project Cortex: At the Intersection of Microsoft 365 and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Almost every major technology company around the globe is dedicating resources to develop some form of Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities to help organizations accelerate access to critical information, support faster decision making, optimize customer support processes, recommend content, and help … Continue reading

Overcoming Enterprise Taxonomy and Ontology Design Challenges

In almost every taxonomy project, certain inescapable challenges arise. Many of these are the tangible business challenges, such as gaining stakeholder buy-in, configuring systems implementation and integration, drafting a governance procedure, and ensuring the business needs are met during every … Continue reading